Dunleavy Cordun Exclusives: Lavatories | Showers | Faucets | Water Closets
Featured Suppliers: Aquarius | Clarion | Gala

ClarionWith accessibility as our primary focus, we are pleased to offer products from Clarion Bathware, the accessible shower specialists.

With over 30 years of experience in manufacturing and now offering over 100 models and sizes, Clarion offers one of the most complete lines of gel-coated fiberglass and acrylic bathware available; including Tub/showers, shower modules, whirlpools and soaker tubs.

Plumbing contractors, builders and remodeling customers, anyone who will not accept anything but the best appreciate the high level of quality for which Clarion is noted. Clarion units are built using the latest technology available, with added value, appealing design and competitive prices.

Visit the Clarion web site.

See Clarion exclusives available from Dunleavy Cordun.